Job recognized the universal need of justification. Job 9:2; 25:4
1. It DOES NOT mean making righteous or imparting of righteousness.
2. By justification we mean that act of God by which, on account of Christ, to whom the sinner is united by faith, He declares that sinner to be no longer under condemnation, but to have a standing of righteousness before Him.
3. The Scriptures teach that justify or justification means to “declare righteous” and “free from guilt and punishment.” Ex. 23:7; Deut. 25:1; Psa. 143:2; Prov. 17:15; Isa. 5:22,23; 53:11
2. It is caused by His grace. Rom. 3:24. “Freely” is the Greek “DOREAN” and is translated “Without a cause” in John 15:25 and in other places.
3. It was made possible by His meritorious substitutionary death. Rom. 5:9; 3:24
4. It is manifestly declared in His resurrection. Rom. 4:25. Notice “for our” used twice in this verse and means “because of”. His resurrection is God’s seal and guarantee that Christ’s death settled the sin question and accomplished our justification.
5. Justification is mediately by faith. Rom. 5:1; 4:5; 3:23-26. Faith is not the cause of justification, nor can it be regarded as its ground or basis. It is only a mediating function through which justification is received. It is a prerequisite, but not the cause of justification.
6. Justification is evidenced by works. James 2:14,24. Here there is a contrast between a say so or dead faith and true saving faith.